致謝形式 Acknowledging the Core

1. 請於成果發表時載明本設施與所使用儀器機型於文章材料方法與致謝中,以提升本設施使用效益。

2. 歡迎將論文發表成果寄至 bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw,以協助設施更新資訊。

3. 致謝範例「The authors acknowledge the technical support provided by Comprehensive Flow Cytometry Laboratory, Academia Sinica」。

1. The core facility mainly provides flow cytometric sorting and counseling services. Please refer to our facility and cytometer model in

    the methods and acknowledgements sections of your publication.

2. Please email the publication paper PDF to bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw,assisting the facility to update the journal published results.

3. Acknowledgement example「The authors acknowledge the technical support provided by Comprehensive Flow Cytometry

   Laboratory,  Academia Sinica 」.

設施服務日曆 Service Calendar

線上申請表單 Application Form

設施諮詢 Consultation

營運管理: 曾于芳

設施電話: 02-2787-1013

聯絡信箱: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

設施位址: 中研院 植微所 R104室


Operation Manager: April Tseng

TEL: +886-2-2787-1013

Email: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Address:  Room 104, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica.