2024 Publication

Chen, Po-Yin, et al. "A whole-cell platform for discovering synthetic cell adhesion molecules in bacteria." Nature Communications 15.1 (2024): 6568.

Nieh, Liang-Yu, et al. "Evolutionary engineering of methylotrophic E. coli enables fast growth on methanol." Nature Communications 15.1 (2024): 8840.

Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi, et al. "Viral Dynamics in the Tropical Pacific Ocean: A Comparison between Within and Outside a Warm Eddy." Viruses 16.6 (2024): 937.

Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi, et al. "Distinct water mass between inside and outside eddy drive changes in prokaryotic growth and mortality in the tropical Pacific Ocean." Frontiers in Marine Science 11 (2024): 1443533.

Tsai, An-Yi, et al. "Warm Eddy Driving Significant Changes in Prokaryotic Growth and Grazing in the Tropical Pacific Ocean." Available at SSRN 4758648.

Lin, Yu-En, et al. "Phylogenomics identifies parents of naturally occurring tetraploid bananas." Botanical Studies 65.1 (2024): 19.

Hsieh, Jo-Wei Allison, et al. "Epigenetic factors direct synergistic and antagonistic regulation of transposable elements in Arabidopsis." Plant Physiology 196.3 (2024): 1939-1952.

Hsieh, Jo-Wei Allison, et al. "Establishing an optimized ATAC-seq protocol for the maize." Frontiers in Plant Science 15 (2024): 1370618.

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Operation Manager: April Tseng

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Email: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Address:  Room 104, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica.