2023 Publication

Chiou, Yu-Jing, et al. "Similar but different: Characterization of dddD gene–mediated DMSP metabolism among coral-associated Endozoicomonas." Science Advances 9.47 (2023): eadk1910. "Bacteria counting" 

Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi, et al. "Differences in Bacterial Growth and Mortality between Seagrass Meadows and Adjacent Unvegetated Areas." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11.10 (2023): 1979. "Bacteria & Virus Count" 

Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi, et al. "Comparison of Viral Production and Decay Rates at the Surface and Bottom of the Euphotic Zone in the Summertime in the Southern East China Sea." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11.2 (2023): 364. "Virus & Bacteria Count" 

Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi, et al. "Differences in viral decay and production following exposure to sunlight and dark." Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 34.1 (2023): 8. " Virus & Bacteria Count" 

Tung, Chia-Chun, et al. "Single-cell transcriptomics unveils xylem cell development and evolution." Genome Biology 24.1 (2023): 3. "Protoplast single-cell sorting" 

Wang, T. Y., Goh, K. S., Wang, L. J., Wu, L. L., Wang, F. Y., & Wu, Y. W. (2023). Long-Read Genome Sequencing of Abscondita cerata (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), the Endemic Firefly of Taiwan. Zoological Studies, 62(2023). "Animal DNA Content" 

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Email: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

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