2025/3/5 BD FACSDiscover™

For this talk, we are honored to welcome the BD team and Bob Balderas (VP of Biological Sciences, BD Distinguished Fellow) to introduce their latest BD FACSDiscover™ flow cytometry technology. This cutting-edge system integrates BD SpectralFX™ spectral unmixing technology with BD CellView™ imaging technology, combining flow cytometry data with spatial and morphological insights. This innovative approach greatly enhances the capabilities of cell analysis and sorting.

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線上申請表單 Application Form

設施諮詢 Consultation

營運管理: 曾于芳

設施電話: 02-2787-1013

聯絡信箱: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

設施位址: 中研院 植微所 R104室


Operation Manager: April Tseng

TEL: +886-2-2787-1013

Email: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Address:  Room 104, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica.